
Check out the latest information on market data and history by area and cities in Broward and Palm Beach County.

NEIGHBORHOODS & market reports (broward & palm beach county)

The following data is based on information that is happening in the areas and neighborhoods in Broward County.  If you want to understand more based on the various areas, click on the link.



River Front

The Quarterly report is for Broward County. This report gives you a detailed perspective of the real estate market in Broward County on a Quarterly basis. This quarterly report gives you the number of properties for sale and closed listings. It enables you to see what happened for the quarter compared to the previous year.


The Quarterly report is for Palm Beach County. This report gives you a detailed perspective of the real estate market in Palm Beach County on a Quarterly basis. This quarterly report gives you the number of properties for sale and closed listings. It enables you to see what happened for the quarter compared to the previous year.

Coconut Creek Homes

The Broward County Area report gives you a snapshot overview of what is happening throughout Broward County. If you are looking for a quick overview, this is the report for you to review. If you are looking for a specific area, please contact us to let us know and we will get you the specific report for the area.